Austin J. Stromme

I am an Assistant Professor in the Statistics Department at ENSAE/CREST. I work at the high-dimensional intersection of optimization, geometry, and probability, and am particularly interested in statistical questions in optimal transport. I recently received my PhD from MIT EECS, where I was fortunate to be advised by Phillipe Rigollet and Guy Bresler.

Online seminar on statistics and geometry

I am currently co-organizing a new online seminar on statistics and geometry, please see the seminar homepage here. The aim is to promote communication between the two fields, and we encourage speakers to give synthetic and pedagogical talks of about one hour, aimed at a broad mathematical audience. Our next talk will be

The construction of Dirichlet forms and Sobolev spaces on the Wassrestein space

Giuseppe Savaré
Bocconi University
11am CEST Friday, May 31st 2024


Austin J. Stromme
arXiv preprint 2023

Austin J. Stromme
Conference on Artifical Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2023

Philippe Rigollet, Austin J. Stromme
arXiv preprint 2022

Thibaut Le Gouic, Quentin Paris, Philippe Rigollet, Austin J. Stromme
Journal of the European Math Society (JEMS) 2022

Jason M. Altschuler, Jon Niles-Weed, Austin J. Stromme
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (SIMA) 2022

Jason M. Altschuler, Sinho Chewi, Patrik Gerber, Austin J. Stromme
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021 Spotlight presentation

Sinho Chewi, Julien Clancy, Thibaut Le Gouic, Philippe Rigollet, George Stepaniants, Austin J. Stromme
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2021

Sinho Chewi, Thibaut Le Gouic, Chen Lu, Tyler Maunu, Philippe Rigollet, Austin J. Stromme
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020

Sinho Chewi, Tyler Maunu, Philippe Rigollet, Austin J. Stromme
Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) 2020

David Jekel, Avi Levy, Will Dana, Austin Stromme, Collin Litterell
SIAM Journal of Discrete Math (SIDMA) 2018

Nikki Carter, Brittany Dygert, Stephen Lacina, Collin Litterell, Austin Stromme, Andrew You
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Math Journal 2016